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mad moose mama

Reviews Something Witchy

Mad Moose Mama: “I thoroughly loved [Something Witchy]”

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ½
4.5 out of 5 Stars

“I thought the relationship between the two was a wonderful, emotional tug of war. The whole push me, pull me pace was enjoyable to read and just when you are about to get sick of the whole ordeal, the author turns up the heat and gives the reader more delight to feast upon.

“The dialogue and emotions are real and raw, there are some expletives and sexual fantasy scenes but I felt they worked with the characters and gave them more of an edge to their creation. Oftentimes the author used comedic wit to the scenes giving it an even more humanistic appeal to the characters.

“There were a few aspects that were predictable, however, there are more than enough twists and turns to keep everyone guessing. I thought the ending was perfect in its completion and I believe the author tied up most of the loose ends nicely.”

– from Mad Moose Mama’s review on Something Witchy This Way Comes