A Witch in Time

By Veronica Blade
Release date: Now Available!

With an entire kingdom to rule, the witch queen, Jane, has no business compromising her loyalties by dating outside her species. But Cedric the Vampire king isn’t just any supernatural. Since she met him as a young girl, he has helped her through hardships and eventually guided her to her own throne.

Centuries of prejudice among different species forbids them from having a future together. Besides, Cedric has his own people to rule. And abandoning her people to be with him could mean banishment from her own kind. Because no other man could compare to Cedric, only eternal loneliness lay before her.


A red-haired man with the greenest eyes I’d ever seen appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps if I hadn’t been distracted by the hoodlums, I would’ve sensed him approaching. He intercepted the thugs, merely raising a palm, and they practically skidded to a halt. His impressive height, wide shoulders and confident attitude had them backing up without either of us touching them.

The scent of blood tickled my nose and I lifted my chin. Vampire.

They didn’t scare me. But just to be on the safe side, I backed away.

The ginger inhaled, then squinted a moment as if realizing I was a witch. “Kind of late for you to be out on the streets alone.”

Normally, gingers did nothing for me. And he wasn’t the handsomest man I’d ever met. Still, he was very good-looking and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. The confident manner in which he carried himself, the mischievous gleam in his green eyes and his beautiful grin drew me in.

But vampires were always charming—just before they sank their fangs into your flesh.

“I can take care of myself. I’d be happy to demonstrate if you’d like. If you need to feed, best try someone who can’t remove your head with only her thoughts.”

“I’ve already eaten, thank you. I was just on my way to grab some ice cream. How about joining me?” He hitched a thumb toward the soda shop about three stores up that I had been eyeing.

I raised a brow, my mouth refusing to return his smile. “No. Are you going to try to follow me home?”

“Probably not. I have to catch a plane in three hours.” He thrust out a hand for me to take. “I’m Cedric.”

Keeping my shield up and ready to shove him away with telekinesis, I cautiously shook his hand. “Cedric. Same name as the vampire king.” Who I’d heard was a redhead.

His mouth curved up. “We share a name, yes.”

In my peripheral vision, five men fanned out. Cedric noticed them too, nodded, and the men backed up. Must have been his guards. “I’ll make sure they keep their distance.”

My eyes narrowed as I crossed my arms over my chest. “How kind.”

He laughed and spun. “I’ll meet you at the soda shop,” he threw over his shoulder. His men vanished into the background, between buildings and into doorways.

Planted in the same spot on the sidewalk, I watched Cedric slip through the door of the soda shop. I wanted to sit and talk with him. I’d been on the road for weeks and hadn’t talked to many people. I’d engaged in light conversation in passing, sure. But I hadn’t had a real conversation with another supernatural in months.

I’m in line. What should I order for you? he asked telepathically.

Witches couldn’t talk telepathically. We could send and receive images, but no actual words. I would have to send him a picture of a root beer soda, but how would he know it wasn’t regular cola?

Before I’d consciously decided to join him, my legs were already moving. A flicker in the corner of my eye told me Cedric’s guards were on alert. I’d never met a vampire who had guards.

I halted just before the cafe door and blinked. Kings had guards. Cedric didn’t just have the same name as the vampire king. This Cedric was the king himself. How much danger would I put myself in by spending any more time with him?

But if I stayed on guard and didn’t screw up, could they really hurt me? Vampires and werewolves were stronger than witches, but we had powers they couldn’t get past.

From what I had heard of King Cedric Gallagher, he was ancient and powerful. I’d also heard of his benevolence, and how he strived for peace among all supernatural species.

I swung the shop door open and crossed the threshold, immediately spotting Cedric in line. Elvis blared from the speakers as I sidled up next to him. “Even kings have to wait in line, huh?”

One side of his mouth curled up. “And even kings need good conversation.”

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