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single girls


Singled-Out Free on Amazon!

If you haven’t gotten your copy of Singled-Out, part two of the Single Girl’s series, you’re in luck! Singled-Out will be FREE on Amazon from August 24th-28th. Get your hands on that!

As always, the first of the Single Series, Single-handed, is always free.

B L U R B:

Brittany’s short-lived fling with the insanely hot Wyatt left her seething, despite still liking him. Since he barely glances her way anymore, going to prom alone seems far better than going with some loser. But Brittany’s well-intentioned friends haven’t given up on Wyatt, and their matchmaking is getting downright awkward.

Single-Series Uncategorized

Singled-Out is now out!

Get your copy today at Amazon! If you haven’t read the first of this sweet series, Single-handed, you’re in luck as it’s always free.

B L U R B:

Brittany’s short-lived fling with the insanely hot Wyatt left her seething, despite still liking him. Since he barely glances her way anymore, going to prom alone seems far better than going with some loser. But Brittany’s well-intentioned friends haven’t given up on Wyatt, and their matchmaking is getting downright awkward.